Please watch this video first. <--clicky
Info to know:
- Please pre-register for all classes prior to attending.
- If you are trying to pre-register within an hour of class time, that class may or may not be cancelled. Check the app first. If there are people in class, but it is NOT waitlisted, go ahead and show up. If it is waitlisted, you can add your name to the list or come do Open Gym. Waitlisted members have FIRST option on opened up spots in class.
- If you have signed up for class but cannot attend, please cancel as SOON as you know. This will allow a spot to open for another Rhino member to attend. (Note: If this becomes a "thing", we will have to enforce a late cancel penalty fee, but would rather not, so please look out for each other and cancel on time, if needed.)
- If you are waitlisted and a spot opens up for you, the app will notify you.
Thank you to all of you for understanding our need to begin upholding this policy in the gym. We appreciate you!
Please email with any questions or concerns. (or nice things - you always email nice things, too! ;))