A Thanksgiving Message from Jenn.

April 22, 2022
A Thanksgiving Message from Jenn.

I’m here in my office writing to you this morning, as a crash of Rhinos are burpee’ing, hollow-rocking and superman’ing on the floor in the gym to the Neil Diamond hit “Coming to America” and I feel a small tear slide down my face. This song serves as a reminder that we are in the best country in the world, and these faces remind me we have THE BEST human beings right in this building. Sam & Cassidy brought egg rolls for everyone. Terry brought his sense of humor and joy. Stephanie, Ana, Shannon and Marie brought the kiddos (although Dom is not such a kiddo), many brought new family members to join in the fun, everyone brought well wishes and smiling faces, Coach Brian (Rhino’s Day 1) is doling out burpees like he’s Santa at Christmas – teasing & laughing with his Rhinos watching them proudly put in the work! We are so lucky to be here – and to have each other. There is an energy in this building that can’t be easily explained – but it is positive, and it is vibrant, and it is impossible to not feel. I wish you could experience it right now as I describe it. It’s beautiful.

It’s been a HARD year, but these Rhinos are HERE. Laughing together. Dancing around. Cheering each other on. Smiling together. Hollering silly things to each other. Sending out their mental high fives. Getting through each day – together.

Our Rhinos have had hard times. We know. You have experienced pain and fear and frustration just like everyone else. You have fallen and risen – over and over. This year has been challenging for us all. But you are NOT allowing 2020 to take your joy or your spirit or your unwavering commitment to yourself. To be stronger. To be healthier. To be better humans. And I’m grateful for you. Rhinos – I am grateful to know you. Thank you for being so inspiring.

While we celebrate our Thanksgiving this year, the conditions for many are challenging. Financial hardships, stress, anxiety, depression, illness, not being able to see family & friends in the ways we are accustomed and uncertainty plague many of us in this moment. I am reminded, again, that today is still what we make of it.

Throughout the year we’ve all seen the memes about the 2020 Planner and why it was the worst purchase ever. 2020 has definitely felt out of our control. But owning the day doesn’t mean everything runs perfectly. Owning the day means we can visualize how we want it to look and walk intentionally towards that outcome. There may be obstacles along the way, but the intentioned outcome doesn’t change. We continue walking to toward it - climbing over, maneuvering around and barreling through - the obstacles blocking our path.

So today I’m asking myself a question I invite you to consider as well:

How can I show up today, and each day, for myself and for my family/people, in a way that brings meaningful, grateful interaction?

In other words, rather than focusing energy on what we wish was different or complaining about something, how can we intentionally experience heartfelt gratitude and actively express thanks for what we have, all we are and all that we have become?

Some answers for me are:

These are just a few ideas that come to me that I will implement today and each day. The question for you is:

How will YOU show up today, and each day, for yourself and your family/people, in a way that brings meaningful, grateful interaction?

May the answers you find for yourself to this question bring you clarity, peace and intention that will lead you to the life you choose to live.

I speak for my family today when I say we are deeply thankful and grateful for you. Thank you for allowing us to be a small part (or big part) of your lives and thank YOU for being a bigger part of ours than we could have ever imagined. Thank you for your trust. Thank you for your loyalty during such a challenging year of business. Thank you for the random and continual encouraging words of support and love. Thank you for the positive energy you bring into this building every single day – this home we all have created together – this Rhino Family.

- Jenn

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