“If there is anything I can say about pain and trauma, it’s that it can change a person.
It can cause a joyful person to experience the deepest amounts of depression. It can force one who is strong to question his or her ability to get out of bed, or even wake up. In the darkest moments, it can make you consider whether going on is even worth it.
I remember two things from the morning of our accident.
The first is that I was unusually nervous; I had a gut feeling that something was wrong. I’m not prone to that type of intuitive ability or clairvoyance, but that morning it drew me to tears I knew something was terribly out of place. I was so completely drawn in by the feeling that I sat at the kitchen table and I wrote a list to my daughter of all the things that a mom would want their daughter to know about life:
love yourself
always be strong and know your worth
never doubt your abilities
love people
trust people
be fearless
try new things when you’re afraid jump anyways
the best things in life are scary and usually worth it
challenge yourself outside of your comfort zone
write things down and do them
cry hard and love even harder
open your soul up and let the world in
connect with people around you
don’t forget that mama loves you and that you are worth everything
the people that come into your life are there for a reason; you’re meant to give them something or they’re meant to give you something. find out what that something is and make it come true
stay healthy
never forget me
when you’re scared, down and when you’re sad, remember you will always be the best thing that ever happened to me, my special girl, my Katie
The second thing I remember is that I had to pee. After a full night of sleep, I left the house for a six-hour road trip, and I forgot to pee.”
The above is an excerpt from Rise Above: 8 Stories of Life Transformation, a book I wrote following an auto accident and the eight worst years of my life. In those years, I lost myself. To pain meds. To depression. To food addiction. I was at the end of my rope, and at the moment I needed it most, I found Camp Rhino in Las Vegas and it saved my life.
There are many reasons that Camp Rhino Boise is here now, but the biggest of all is that I understand pain, depression, injury, addiction and that lost feeling many people experience when they don’t have their health.
I understand the enormity of the task of taking your life back. I understand the need for a gym environment where EVERYONE is welcome, and no one has to feel like they’re being judged. I understand how important it is for people to learn their true capabilities and to believe in themselves, and it is my greatest joy to watch our members take ownership over their habits, their emotions, their health and their lives.
I believe that in life, things don’t always happen TO us, rather they often happen FOR us. Without the day of my accident, I wouldn’t be here now watching so many wonderful human beings find their health & happiness freedom!
If you’re looking for a gym family, an inspiring community and RESULTS in your own health journey – don’t wait – come see us today!
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Jenn's Story Part 2: Coming Next!